
Showing posts from August, 2020

Blockchain and the changes that Blockchain can bring into an organization.

The history of any digital asset is unchanged and clear by the use of decentralization and encrypted hacking, Blockchain also is known as the distributed ledger technology. It leads to reducing risk, stamping fraud, and making information more and more commonly accessible. Blockchain is a highly innovative and groundbreaking technology. How does Blockchain work? Three essential concepts consist of Blockchain: blocks, nodes, and miners. Blocks: There are multiple blocks in each series, and there are three basic elements in each block: The block of info. The entire 32-bit number was a nonce. The nonce is selected randomly when a block is formed and then a block header hash is generated. The hash is a 256-bit wed to the nonce. It must begin with an enormous number of nulls. The cryptographic hash is generated by the first block of a chain. The data in the block shall not be mined unless it is signed, and is always bound to the nonce and hash. Miners: Miners build new blocks on the chain a

Big Data and the Media Industry!

The emerging innovations were also embraced by the media and entertainment industries with the growing trends in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. The main business issue which drives media companies to explore big data is the need to cut operating costs in an increasingly competitive environment while at the same time generating revenues from content and data provision via various platforms and products. Media companies are closer than ever to their clients and rivals. Thanks to the effect of intermediation, anyone with an internet-enabled computer can create, upload, curate, and republish content. This makes it a valuable opportunity for companies to be prepared to invest in big data technologies to consume, store, and process several different sources of data and be in fact. The media industry is an early adopter of big data technology in many ways, but there are much more needs to be achieved in order to reach its full potential. In order to convince decision-makers to invest

Text Mining and its applications in various business operations

Data scientists use sophisticated data science techniques to analyze text. The text data exposes client attitudes about individuals or uncovers other perspectives.  Text analytics or natural language processing are two ways of using data analytics (also called text mining). The first approach is to evaluate emails, including consumer feedback and precious insights. The second approach is to arrange the text so that it can be used to forecast future events in machine learning models. Text mining collects valuable information and knowledge embedded in text content through techniques such as categorization, entity extraction, sentiment analysis, etc. This implies, even for vast volumes of unstructured data, that observations, patterns, and trends can be discovered in the business world. It is actually this capability to put aside all material that is irrelevant and to react, especially in large organizations that will lead to its rapid adoption. Theses are the applic
Statistics is the most important module that we need to learn in Data Science and Machine learning.